Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 8: Photolusion Straight

Ballerina Jason: Rexburg, ID, 3.10, Cannon PowerShot SD 780 IS, 1/30, f/3.5

Puppet: Rexburg, ID, 3.10, Cannon PowerShot SD 780 IS, 1/15, f/3.5

I've been struggling, once again, with the creative juices and the lack thereof. So, tonight at FHE I made my "family" play around and these are the two photos I ended up with. Jason was such a good sport and just stood there and danced around. He was pretending to be a ballerina in the first photo and a puppet in the second. I did do much to these photos. I added lines to make it look like a puppet.


  1. The puppet one is so clever. Amazing.

  2. I love the puppet photo! I couldn't figure out how you did it until I read your description. I thought those were the edited ones! Great job!

  3. I like them both. Looks like the creative juices are still alive and well! :) Keep up the good work.

  4. this really looks edited great job

  5. wow that turned out really well. great job

  6. Such a creative idea. Great job
